Underfloor Heating Freight Options

A guide to the freight options we can negotiate for you.






Reducing Supply Chain Risks
for UK Distributors

The Underfloor Heating Agent appreciates that relying on overseas manufacturing can seem like a daunting prospect for merchants. While it is invariably cheaper in the long-term and potentially even the short-mid-term, there can be a great deal of unknowns when it comes to shipping times, upfront costs and risk mitigation.

Our international connections and partnerships with freight forwarders allows us to negotiate cost-effective yet timely underfloor heating freight options, regardless of the size or scale of your business.

 a man with a clipboard writing notes about stock on palettes


 blue freight containers stacked on top of one another with a partially clear sky above


Looking for international freight assistance?

Contact The Underfloor Heating Agent at enquiries@ufhauk.com for any questions regarding freight options. 

Your Questions






What are our underfloor heating freight options?


DDP – Delivered Duty Paid (Named place of destination)

The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer at the agreed-upon destination, covering all costs and risks until the goods reach the specified location. This includes responsibility for customs clearance, duties, taxes and other expenses.

EXW – Ex-Works (Named place of delivery)

The seller’s responsibility ends once the goods are made available at their premises or another agreed-upon location. Their obligation is limited to making the goods accessible for location by the buyer, who then manages all logistics and expenses.

FCA – Free Carrier (Named place of delivery)

The seller fulfils their obligation by delivering the goods to a specified location, typically their own premises or a nominated carrier. The seller is responsible for export clearance, while the buyer assumes risk and costs once the goods are handed over to the carrier.

CPT – Carried Paid To (Named place of destination)

The seller transports the goods to a designated carrier or another individual chosen by the seller to a prearranged destination. The seller bears the transportation costs to bring the goods to the destination, but the risk transfers to the buyer as soon as the goods are handed over to the carrier.

CIP – Carrier and Insurance Paid (Named place of destination)

The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to a specified destination and covering the cost of transportation and insurance. The seller’s obligation includes arranging carriage to the agreed-upon location and providing insurance (To the value of 110% of the contract value) against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods.

Delivered at Place Unloaded (Named terminal at port or place of destination)

The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to a specified destination and unloading them at the buyer’s disposal. This obligates the seller to handle customs clearance and any necessary formalities, but transfers the risk to the buyer upon unloading at the designated destination.

DAP – Delivered at Place (Named place of destination)

The seller transports the goods to a destination agreed upon by both parties. The seller covers all risks and costs associated with transporting the goods to the destination, excluding important duties and taxes, and responsibility is transferred to the buyer when the goods are ready for unloading.

FAS – Free Alongside Ship (Named port of shipment)

The seller is obliged to deliver the goods alongside the designated vessel at the specified port of shipment. The seller bears the responsibility and costs of delivering the goods to the dock or quay, at which point the risk and responsibility for further transportation is transferred to the buyer.

FOB – Free On Board (Named port of shipment)

The seller’s responsibility ends when the goods are unloaded onto the vessel at the port of shipment. The seller covers the costs and risks of delivering the goods to the port, and once the goods are on board the risk and responsibility for further transportation transfers to the buyer.

CFR – Cost and Freight (Named port of destination)

The seller delivers the goods to the agreed-upon destination port and covers the costs and freight required to transport the goods to this location, including export clearance. Risk is transferred to the buyer once the goods are loaded onto the vessel.

CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight (Named port of destination)

The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to a specified destination port, covers the costs and insurance and freight required to transport the goods. Risk is transferred to the buyer once the goods are loaded onto the vessel, who also assumes responsibility for any subsequent costs.



the logomark for Underfloor Heating Agent UK


The Underfloor Heating Agent – Streamlining international freight for distributors and manufacturers.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at enquiries@ufhauk.com.

Please note that The Underfloor Heating Agent provide leads to distributors and manufacturers of underfloor heating. We are not liable for what might occur following the establishment of a partnership or its dissolution.

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